Thursday, June 19, 2008

She's here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sisterlittle is here!!!!!! OMG!! She's taken charge; she's awesome; She's my hero!

My pack is off.

We leave for Atl and W.Virginia a week from Saturday. I'm officially 'off duty' from this Saturday on...........

I'm speechless.

Well, just for now ;) I'll be getting some blogging done next week before we leave.


Jay said...

Cool beans!

Brad said...

HAve fun and brings us back some pics eh ?

Diane J Standiford said...


tt said...

jay: I love that saying...are we old??? lol

brad: having fun is at the top of our schedule! Pics are second on the list :)

djs: Got it...thanks!

Dianne said...

No way you and Jay are old!

I love the light feeling in your post. I'm thrilled for you sweetie.

Allison Horner said...


tt said...

dianne: lol....I know...just in our sayings..right?? I thought I was the only person who still said 'cool beans'.. Thanks for beoing thrilled for me..I knew you would be ;)cuz that's how wonderful you are.

Alli: I've been saying 'yay' since yesterday!! It feels so good to take my 'pack' off. :)

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

Holy BLEEP! I say "cool beans" too! Like all the time.

FYI, sucks you are away. anonymous at r.e.h.'s place got out of line.

Um, I put him back on his/her/his side.

Yeah, figured you'd really get a chuckle.

I can't help myself, kids need boundaries -- afterall? Right?


Happy Trip!

tt said...

fw- I'm not gone yet...I'm going over to reh's place right now...
and fyi---cool beans..someone needs to put him/her/him in his/her place from time to time!! lol