Thursday, May 22, 2008

Almost vacation time!!!!

Sisterlittle and I are finalizing our plans for my/our vacation!!! She may be here a week before Lovee and I are actually driving out of town!!!! She reminded me that was the plan...but I had forgotten!!! ACK!!! I forgot????WTF!!!!!!!!
I think that's proof that this has taken a huge toll on my grape! Shitfuckdamn!!!!!!!1
Anyway....I'm getting excited at the thought of leaving. We're going to visit with ETK and baby and hopefully my niece and her family in Georgia. Then up to W. Virginia to visit one of Lovee's sisters...I adore her!!!! It'll be a whirlwind trip and eat us alive with the gas $$$$ but we're doing it anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo-hoo...

There is one thing that I need a wee bit of help with from my blomie friends.
Take the laptop or not???
What ya think???


Michael M. said...

re: laptop: better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. That advice, and $3.50, will get you a cup of coffee. :)

Jay said...

Just resign yourself to what the gas is going to cost and have a great time!

tt said...

Michael :: hey there :)
You're absolutely right. thanks!!

Jay:: I know it'll be stupidly high but I just don't care right now...FUN is the only thing I'm gonna think about! :)

meno said...

Take it.

Then you can show us some pictures.

Jen said...

At least gas isn't up to $12.00 a gallon quite yet. Quick! Take your trip while you still can!

I'd say, take the laptop. No harm no foul.

And btw. . . it's odd that your friend from the previous post doesn't see the value in friendship. People need friends outside of family. You just do.

Anonymous said...

Definitely take it. I couldn't go 2 days w/o mine. :P

tt said...

Meno:: you're right of course...Duh... I didn't even think of the picture aspect..( silly grape)

Jen:: final's going with me. :)
My friend is an odd duck for sure. She just doesn't get it. Too bad for her I say!

Acrimony said...

Take the laptop. Most definitely. Have a safe and fun trip!

CheekyMonkey said...

I say take the laptop and don't think about using it unless your grape needs some squishin. You never know,that drive you just might want to type away and cut n paste a post at some point. and if not, no harm done. Not like it'll cost you more petrol cash.

Diane J Standiford said...

I think you left the laptop. ROAD TRIP!!!!

Dianne said...

take the laptop and the camera!

if you want to blog or journal or smack someone in the head with it - well - there it is.

I'm lighting candles and crossing eyes and ankles (always the lady) and other parts for you to have FUN - FUN - FUN!

ETK said...

BRING IT. :) You can use my internets for free even. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!! B was just asking me the other day when you'd come visit so he could meet you!!! :D