Ok....the players of this party are: Debbie-do and her main squeeze 'Ditmer'...they're getting married in Vegas next year. She's a hoot! She's like me in that we both would wake up in a different world some days...

Ahhhh, 'Thirteen' and his lovely. Actually his name is "j" but when I first saw him ( w/o his 5 o'clock shadow ;)) he looked like he was 13. So, that's what I've always called him. He was my bud!( She's so damn pretty...banishment for her!!)

This is little A, who wasn't drinking cuz she's prego w/ # 2 ! YAY!!! And her hottie hubby. He's a cop in another town by us. They're a hot couple.....Banishment for them!!

Hummmmmm....wonder what's in Lovee's pocket???

Reach in...............gently girls!!.............careful...............easy..................almost there..................

PANTIES!!!!!??????? Panties in your pocket Lovee????? That's what the Ho's get for telling him they didn't have any panties on whenever he used to call me at work!!!! LOL......
They were sooo scared to reach in there.....it was hilarious.
My supervisor is on the left......Deb-do on the right.
Too funny...

Awwwww....My Lovee! He was reaching for me. I went willingly! ( hubba-hubba)
He's so handsome!

Our 'trooper' a.k.a. 'guard' on the left....Precious!
Me.............hey...are we a sandwich????
And A's hottie-hubby....
Ummmm, that was my 2nd triple of Crown & 7...I think....( necture of the Gods!)

My supervisor doing what she does best.......flippin' me off.........she loves giving me grief......Of course, I would give it right back....She's such a hoot!

And here's my 'old' bossman and his lovely. They hosted the party. Great time! I was soooooo happy he called and invited Lovee and me. I think it made my year! What a couple!

And last but not least...............tt and Lovee! What a cute couple.... no???yes???
That party was the Saturday before the ice storm on Sunday. Actually it started about the time we left the party. When I woke up Sunday, I asked Lovee if he was going to drive me to Mom's so I could take them to Denny's for breakfast........He said no. NO...I said.....it's real icey out there.......'Babe, it's Sunday..........you took them to breakfast yesterday". Ohhhhh.......uh, how many drinks did I have???
We really had a fab time.
Awww. Looks like you had fun!
This was my first year in a while with NO Christmas parties. How sad is that?
Although, it's probably a good thing this year for me. I am in study mode. :) 2 weeks until the big test!
Yayyy!! I love party pictures! And yes, you and your Lovee are one dayum good lookin couple! Hawteez!!!
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