So that's it for now. I'm glad it's over! I really don't understand how come we get so much ice. I mean, we're a southern state right?
We only got about an inch of snow and it's gone now. Good ol' Okie snow!! Here today, gone tomorrow. I probably just jinx myself.......S.F.D. !! Now we'll get a foot! And I'll be stranded at the folks for a week........Oh, the horror's................
The pic below is about a half mile from our house in a very wooded area. Those trees just bent over from the weight! Most of them just snapped off and took the power lines with them. Our neighborhood and the parents also have buried lines...but the lines coming in aren't buried. So, the trees fell on the lines and "poof".........no power. There are actually about 5000 ppl here who still don't have any power. I'm thinking I'd be getting a wee bit tired of that by now. I'm feeling so sorry for them. One guy who just opened a restaurant about 6 months ago was going to loose about $6000.00 worth of meats and other foods so he donated all of it to the shelters to be cooked and fed to the homeless and 'refugees' out there. It meant his business would fold but he was trying to make a positive out of the whole experience. The really sad part of his story is that his power came on about 6 hours after he donated it! He could have kept it. Great guy tho...very selfless act.
We've had hundreds of ppl from other states who've come in to help in the restoration of our power. Those ppl are our 'new Hero's'!!!!!!! God bless em'. Most of the time they have to cut down huge trees before they can get to the lines.
Holy Crapola!!! That's one helluvan ice storm!!!
Thanks for posting pictures!
Those are amazing pictures! I hope you all are thawing out now.
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