Wednesday, August 1, 2007


I had the weirdest dream last night. Probably b/c of Tweb's blog. I accidentally killed someone( don't know who or why) but Lovee decided I will have to live in Mexico b/c I wouldn't like the death sentence! He said he'd bring me food and visit when he could. I said maybe if I turned myself in I would only get a life sentence. Lovee said I wouldn't like that very much cuz he couldn't visit me and have dinner together. hummmm...

Now, WTF is that supposed to mean? LOL
He did fix me dinner last night.
The quagmire of tt's grape. Delicious isn't it?


Tweb said...

Because of MY blog? I didn't kill anyone in my blog! Or in real life! Or in a dream! Ha... I think it means you need a vacation and Mexico is a perfect vaca spot! Now go!

tt said...

You talked about taking responsibility for your actions..silly gurl! ;)

Tweb said...

Oh.... right...