Sunshine girl here... fixin this for Mom :) Here is the picture of Dad paint and spackling the laundry room floor.

Carpet torn up by the back door outside of the kitchen. What a fucking mess underneath that carpet!!!! Ugh!

I'm undiscribable at times,loving,compassionate, blah,bla... I fell in love with my husband within the first week we met and after 36 years I'm still madly in love with him. Even counting the 23 years with him in the USMC. I still get giddy whenever he calls. The parentals have moved in with us and I'm on fabulous meds!! LMAO
Wow, that looks like some hard work!
Way to go, Sunshine Girl, updating w/ pics for your sweet mom. :)
wow, MASSIVE project, eh?
ff:It IS hard work for sure. And it keeps growing. OY!
My Sunshine girl is great. All my kids are great. I don't know what I'd do without any of them!
Gary: So massive that just thinking about how long it will take to finish mkes my grape start swuishing. ha
Totally a clusterfuck, but one that's going to be beyootiful when it's finished!!! I love the tile!!
Cheeky: thanks babe!
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