Sunday, August 12, 2007

Almost made it.....

I almost went 2 weeks w/o hurting myself. How cool would that have been!
I smashed my little finger yesterday. (&(&(&$!%&*&&)^^%##!! was about all I could say for about 30 minutes. And of course Lovee was outside during the tirade that spewed forth. My washing machine evidently 'traveled' in towards the wall that has a cupboard above it. I had just put the towels into the dryer and I guess i was holding onto the lip of the washer. WHAM!!!! the lid fell and squashed my pinky finger!!! Guess what I won't do anymore? Yep.....
ETK called me just as I was becomming coherant again and could talk in complete sentences. She saved me from further agony by distracting me. Love me some ETK!!!!!!!
I think my nail might turn blue. It already looks a wee bit colored. We'll see.
I think I need more insurance!


ETK said...

AWW! Hope your finger feels better soon! :) Did you look into that maid yet?

Tweb said...

That's a record. For me at least. So my new gig is fingernails. So the prenatal vits that I take, make my nails grow like weeds. They also make them so they don't snap off when they should, during one of my "accidents". Noooooo..can't be that easy right? It's gotta be, BENDYYYYYY fingernails. Yeah, that feels just effing fantastic... gotta love that..

You poor clutz. I love me some tt...just like me!

Allison Horner said...

You so funny, TT!