Friday, January 11, 2008

more ramblings.......

The Dad has decided to sell his Mustang!!!!!!!
I can not tell you how excited this makes me. His vision is something like 20/400..with glasses! He has glaucoma. It's scarey to ride with him and even scarier to watch! So, he greeted me with his version of " I've got good news and bad news" yesterday morning. I told him I don't do bad news so skip that part. He said it would depend on how I took the news as to whether it was bad or good. I so totally chose good! It's sad that it's come to this. Elderly ppl loose so much of themselves whenever they give up things from their past. It's very hard to give up control of your life. But, I graciously told him I was very proud of his decision and that at least he had a cute, although middle aged driver to rely on. :) (that would be me)

Another friend of theirs died yesterday. SFD....
I've known Mr. T since I was in 8th grade! One of his son's was my first official boyfriend.
What can I say? That stupid song " Another one bites the dust" kept going through my grape. Geesh tt,....

Mom has noticed the Dad's downward decline recently. She told me she's scared. That gave me the throat lumps. She asked if I'd still come and take care of her if Dad died. S.F.D.....after I shook my head, to clear the nonsense I just heard, I said "Of course. I'm here for the long haul Mom. I guess she just wanted to reassure herself that whoever is left will still have someone to be there for them. As if I'd bail......

And the most important ramble.......
I must correct myself. Geesh I hate doing that....but I must.
Guess what Dad was wearing the other day??????? The red coat that we were sure had been gone for 20 years!! He did find it. Somewhere in his closet that I missed. He felt very victorious. :)
He's had that coat for at least 50 years and it still looks great. It's his new favorite.
Another day awaits...............


ETK said...

Wow, your mom's question made me have throat lumps too! What does S.F.D. mean? Duh, as soon as I wrote that I figured it out. Doh! :) Nevermind.

That's great that he's decided to sell it though. You should try craigslist. That's where I put mine. :)

tt said...

Yep, gonna do that.
And Shit-fuck-damn....SFD
My favorite phrase :)

Allison Horner said...

OHHHH! I was trying to figure out SFD, too. I shoulda known. ;)