Sunday, November 25, 2007


This is the only picture I took during our Thanksgiving feast!!!!! I got so busy after everyone got there that I freaking forgot to take any of the people there! I got the pie though. That's important right?.............yea........right!
It was good though and it turned out really pretty which is why I took the pic.
What a goober I am...............
Silly-Sassy me!


Tweb said...

it's gorgeous! send me some!!!

we forgot to take pics of dinner too!!! but we do have weekend pics
bro and sis in law came up from fl w their baby!!

hope you had a great turkey day!!!

Allison Horner said...

Yeah, we didn't take any pics on Tday.

That pie looks soooo yummy! MMMM!

MMH said...

That is a beautiful pie. Our pecan pie was not quite so picturesque but it did taste good. I'd much prefer a pecan pie to a pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving and Christmas.

ETK said...

YUM - am I getting on in the mail? :)