Monday, July 23, 2007

It's takes a village

I feel like I should be singing the Patti laBelle song,'I've got a new attitude'.
Well, sort of anyway. While we were swimming last night I decided that I'll give myself a year to get in shape. Yep, a year. I didn't get fluffy just in the last few months.....oh wait....yes I did...anyway, I'll give myself a year. Next summer, hopefully, when school is out and my sisterlittle can come down here to stay w/ the parental units, Lovee and I have a vacation planned that involves hiking! Woo-hoo!! We're going to go see Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse and Devil's Tower and some other place that i can't remember right now. We discovered on our vacation to the Grand Canyon how fun it is to hike. I love it! My lungs don't necessarily love it but getting in better shape will help alot I'm sure. So, I'll need to get into better shape for that. I've already started my morning walking. Only 30 in the mornings for now so I don't shock my system too much :) and make my shin splints worse :(
I think in about a couple weeks I'll up it to 45 minutes then a couple weeks after that an hour. I've got some hand weights and a few exercises to do w/ those. Now, If I can just keep my motivation. That's the usual problem. I get bored easily. Probably from my Adult ADD. ;)
Oh look, a chicken ! :)
Anyway, toss any helpful tidbits you have my way. It's gonna take a village to accomplish this and I'm counting on my select village to help. K?

1 comment:

Allison Horner said...

Whatever exercise you do, have fun doing it!!!

And be forgiving of yourself.

I have been trying to get back into shape trying various things to help keep my from not being bored and to go back in forth from really hard to not so hard.

I've been walking, running, biking, & doing dance exercise DVDs. I haven't quite gotten back into a real routine, but am getting there.

Just have fun & be safe!!!